Cultural Geography Course Info

Grade 7 Social Studies: Cultural Geography
2011 – 2012

Teacher:         Ms. Elizabeth Déu                                                                      Room 119
Email:    /
Telephone:    22316345

Welcome to the 2011 – 2012 school year at AISC! I look forward to getting to know you and working together this year.

About this course:

In Grade 7 Social Studies we will be studying Geography and analyzing the Culture, Politics, Economics, and Global Connections of the following regions:

  • The United States & Canada
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • Southwest & Central Asia
  • Africa

We will be considering the concepts of Movement, Conflict and Power as they relate to the above regions.

Course Materials and Supplies:

eTextbook DVD-rom & online access code –World Geography 2012
Historical Literature: The Year of the Dog, Before We Were Free, A Girl Named Disaster (All titles are also available as downloadable e-books for the Kindle or iPads.)

Please have these items by the end of this week:
  • Notebook  (A4) or laptop for note taking
  • Folder or Binder with page protectors for handouts, archiving tests, quizzes, rubrics etc.
  • Lined Paper
  • Journal Notebook (A5)
  • Black, blue, red and green pens
  • Highlighter Marker
  • USB flash-drive (can be used for other subjects)
  • Pencils
  • Sharpener and erasers
  • Colored pencils
  • Markers
  • Post-it notes to mark pages
  • Glue stick
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

Evaluation and Assessment:

Your report card grades will be out of 100 points based on the following criteria:

        Homework                                 10%              Quizzes                        15%          
         Discussion/Participation       10%              Tests                            20% 
         Unannounced (Pop) Quizzes 10%            ●  Projects/Papers        20%
         Blogs/Journal                           15%                Presentations
Please refer to participation, homework and individual assignment rubrics for more information.


Technology plays a significant role in this course. Students will be required to maintain a blog and also post actively on the class blog. Online quizzes and assignments will be routine. Power Point presentations and virtual posters will also be expected.

Expectations and Policies:
The 6Ps: I expect students will always do their best to be:

·       Patient: It is important that students work together in a cooperative way and be patient with and tolerant of each other. So that everyone can have a voice and have his opinions and questions heard students must take turns and refrain from talking over each other.

·       Pleasant: Being pleasant makes for a better classroom environment. The classroom should be a safe haven where there is trust, mutual respect and consideration for all. Say hello to your classmates. Smile! A positive attitude is always appreciated. It takes much more energy to frown, grumble or complain, and learning really can be a fun experience!

·       Polite: Please do not forget your manners! Listen attentively. Say please and thank you. Raise your hand. Do not interrupt or cut off your classmates. Share materials, opinions, advice and expertise. Don’t poke fun or tease. Be constructive in your criticism and comments. Leave your mobiles and I-pods both out of sight and earshot.

·       Present: Class participation is both a necessary and mandatory part of this class. Make your presence felt! I want to hear your voice every class. Ask questions. Don’t be shy. Class time is the time to clear up any doubts you may have, make mistakes and to learn from them. You will NEVER be penalized for trying. Avoid missing class at all costs, but should you miss a class, make up any work as quickly as possible and make sure to get any notes or handouts. Please don’t hesitate to see me, if you have any questions.

·       Prepared: Be prepared for class! You are expected to come to each class with your homework completed and the necessary class materials, books and supplies. Your homework is to be done neatly and on time. Your notes and folder/binder will be collected and periodically checked for organization.

o   Unannounced “pop” quizzes are to be expected, so it is in your best interest to stay on top of your work and to review regularly your class notes and assignments.

o   Late work will be accepted until 2 weeks after the due date. After that point any missing assignments will not be accepted and you will receive a zero. Repeated lateness with assignments will result in low participation and effort grades and may include a teacher assigned disciplinary sanction.

o   Absences: Should you miss a class it is your responsibility to check with me and/or classmates to find out what you missed and get the information you need (notes etc.). I am available before and after school for help.

o   Reassessment: Each student is afforded the opportunity to reassess in order to improve a less than satisfactory grade. The student must take the initiative and see me to arrange for the day and time of the reassessment. I will not hunt you down! You have 1 week to retake or redo any graded assessment. The highest grade you can receive on a reassessment is a B+.

·       Punctual: Quite simply put – Get to class on time! If you are late, please come in with as little commotion as possible. Repeated tardiness will negatively affect your class participation and effort grades. REMINDER: up to 10 minutes after class has begun = TARDY. After 10 minutes = ABSENT.

Let’s have a great year!

1 comment:

Cleo said...

hello, i have read your "blogging comments" which i fully understood and i hope i will not let you down.