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Monday, September 12, 2011
Where in the World?
Take a look at this picture:
Now post your best guess as to in which region this location can be found. Is it in North America? South America? Asia? Africa? Europe? What do you think? Why?
I think this location can be found in Europe. Maybe even Ireland or in that area. I think this because I know in Northern and most of Europe is very green. Also some countries in Europe are partly surrounded by water.
I believe this is in Africa.The reason why I believe that is because in many different documentaries I saw on discovery channel it showed many similar places like this in Africa.
I think that this is in south America for some reason when i saw this picture i had dejavu i think i learned this last year at my old school. South America is a very greed place it might also be in africa but i mostly think south America.
actually i change my mind i know 100/100 THAT THIS IS FLORIDA i remember that my friend went to florida and gave me a postcard!!!!I really think it is in america srry for b4!I know it is florida!!!!: )
This location can be found in Africa.
I think this location can be found in Europe. Maybe even Ireland or in that area. I think this because I know in Northern and most of Europe is very green. Also some countries in Europe are partly surrounded by water.
Africa, because I know that it can become very green at certain time in the years, especially around big deltas like this seems to be.
I think it is marsh in a lake somewhere in Europe.
I think this is in a very green, marshy area in Europe or Ireland because of the high rain fall there, which provokes lush vegetation like this.
I believe this is in Africa.The reason why I believe that is because in many different documentaries I saw on discovery channel it showed many similar places like this in Africa.
I think that this place is in Florida because i have seen it on tv.
I think this picture is of the Amazon River in South America.
I think that this is in south America for some reason when i saw this picture i had dejavu i think i learned this last year at my old school.
South America is a very greed place it might also be in africa but i mostly think south America.
I think it is either a place in africa since it is verry green or the amazon river in south america. where ever it is it looks beautiful! :) :l :D :P
actually i change my mind i know 100/100 THAT THIS IS FLORIDA i remember that my friend went to florida and gave me a postcard!!!!I really think it is in america srry for b4!I know it is florida!!!!: )
me tinks it am be africa
Thatssssss a very nice contry you have there!
I think this is Playa Escondida in Mexico. I saw it in a movie on TV.
That is a very nice picture! I meant beautiful picture!
This is a beautiful picture!
I think this picture is in Asia because it is very green and it look very big
i think it is located in africa becuse its too green
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