Friday, September 16, 2011

Where in the World? 2

Ok, class - here's the next picture challenge!

So where in the world is this? Just like last time - post as a comment your best guesses! Don't forget to include the region you believe it to be located in and why. Good luck! ☺


Leslie Davis =D said...

I believe this picture was taken either in the Andes Mountains (South American region)or in Alaska, USA (North American Region). I think this because there is a mountain range and its surrounded by water. Also in both places I mentioned it is pretty cold :)

Carrey said...

I have never seen this place before so i guess this will be a random guess! Maybe some where in africa, because of the mountains and the green or some where in either North or South America. DUNNO! :D

blackeyedpicture said...

I never have been in this place but i guess is in Alaska at USA:)

anna s said...

I am pretty shure it is in Alaska last year I learned it in geography.It Seems like a lake.Alaska is close to america

mona khodabande said...

hi msdeu i never see there but i can see montains and i think here located in alaska and this is a land scape and i can see clouds too
i hope so my answer be corect ok bye

Stefani Agathangelou said...
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Stefani Agathangelou said...

Hello Ms.Deu I believe this is in Alaska.The reason why I think that is because in my old school we learned abou this river in Alaska called Chipmunk(I think)and it looks quite similar.
Have a nice weekend Ms.Deu see you on Monday!

Rafael Van Der Vaart said...

i thinks its alaska in the summer

nikischof said...

the place looks so relaxing almost unreal. i could just sit by its wonderful lake and dose off happily. But i can't because i have homework. i think its somewhere in Alaska in the usa, maybe? :-( i guess i'll find out. Have a wonder weekend Ms. Deu.

nikischof said...

EUREKA!!!!! I found out where the place was (or so i think. i could be totaly wrong) Chikuminuk Lake in Alaska. i found it while looking at landscapes. it was the first thing that popped up. :) See you on monday Ms. Due.

Amit Cohen said...

I think it is probably a river in Alaska. I think it's Alaska because last year we had to do a project for social studies and I saw this picture on a website about Alaska.

Chris reading notebook said...


Cleo said...

I think it is in the Hymalaya mountains because there are lots of tall mountains there and landscapes

Hannah :) said...

Chikuminuk Lake! Sorry, I looked it up :/. Couldn't help myself! North American region, and I really love this pic :)

Hannah :) said...

A few facts about this place (since I had help from the other guys):

1. This is the Chikuminuk Lake, located in Alaska, USA
2. This lake is in the Tikchik State Park, the largest state park in the entire US!
3. It is home to 5 species of salmon, and also lots of moose, caribou, and grizzly bears.
4. It is 1.6 MILLION acres!!!! o.o
5. It's pretty :)

theo the new kid said...

i also think its in Alaska because of the tall mountains and the rivers and the lake

Rachelle said...

Hi Ms. Deu, my guess is that this picture is of Alaska. I think so because of the greenary and it looks pretty cold. :)

Otis said...

I think that this is in Alaska because the waters look cold and it looks kinda green :P

Flamey50 said...

Chipmunk Lake, Alaska

Flamey50 said...

Chipmunk Lake, Alaska

Sam said...
